Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Reluctant Summer

Reluctant is a real neat word.  It conveys a subtlety to unwillingness to do something.  When one knows that something should be done, and it is the right time to do it, but one is opposed to doing it.  That is exactly what is happening in our neck of the woods with this magical time of the year called summer.  We've already passed the longest day of the year,  June 21st.  The daylight is getting shorter now.  The fourth of July fireworks are beginning to echo across the lake.  But those warm sunshiny days are rare and the spring flowers, ( peonies and irises,)  are just now blooming.  The piers and boats are in the water and ready for sailing and skiing, for canoeing and kayaking.  But instead, the people are tending their landscapes in sweatshirts and raincoats.  They're using their campfires for warmth and heating their cabins and homes at night.  Instead of garden rows bushy and tall, tiny plants are fighting to grow.  Summer teases us with  a day or two near 80 and then sends hail to add a touch of irony. According to our local weatherman, this area has been in drought for the last ten years but this year we're getting caught up and that is very good but we're hoping for some nice steady sunshine to get the garden caught up to its usual splendor.  O, reluctant summer, unloose yourself and smile your sun upon us!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Bear With Me

Omigosh, it was a happy happy Memorial Day for me.  We've lived up here in the deep dark woods since 1972 and I've really really wanted to have a close encounter with a bear because when you live in a deep dark woods for over 40 years, you should be able to brag about your ursine encounters.  You should be able to top the story of the three bears and Goldilocks.  You should be able to at least say that a bear ate your homework.  But no! It hadn't happened.  Oh sure, we had shoveled dead skunks into garbage bags, chased raccoons from our wading pool filled with crayfish,  swum with the loons, and harvested deer.  But no bear for  me!  Until last Monday.  Bing had gone to golf with his league and Bernie and Jamie had left to return to DePere.  I decided to go to town and get some groceries.  I went to the bedroom to change into my "goin to town" clothes, looked out the big bedroom window and there was a fine black bear right outside the window, ready to climb the mighty white pine at the top of the hill.  I could hear dogs down the hill barking and the bear started clambering up the tree.  It looked like a yearling bear and I grabbed the camera and snapped away as he or she got higher and higher.  I could hear whimpering from the bear and opened the window wide to hear it better.  Then I quickly closed it in case a Mama bear was nearby.  The bear seemed to be watching me and kept climbing and climbing till it was way up in the branches.  The bear seemed to be planted up there till maybe it was dark so I left for town.  Coming back, I was curious to see if
my furball friend was still in the tree but as soon as I drove into the driveway I saw the bear teetering along the deck railing like a gymnast hoping for a ten.  Oh boy, I snapped into digital action and had the time of my life watching that creature, whom I have named Ebony,  show incredible patience, forebearance, ingenuity and perseverence, trying mightily to reach the bird feeder half flled with bird seed.  She never did get to the bird seed but I watched her lunge off the railing , grab onto the pole and helplessly slide down the pole, then she'd climb back up on the deck and try again and again and again.  After at least forty minutes of trying, she finally gave up but as she lumbered away, I thanked her for the excellent entertainment.

Love - A Many Splendored Thing

Love is precious.  Love is a gift.  Long long ago, Bing's Mom and Dad introduced their baby girl, Susan, to Bing and his older brother, Paul.  Bing was almost 8 and Paul was almost 9.  Love blossomed with these siblings and still flourishes.  The picture shows Bing and Sue on the deck.  Sibling love is a special kind of love.  It comes from all the shared family experiences and the intimate day to day exposure to each other.  It's fun, as the years go by, to examine the likenesses and differences between the siblings.  Certain traits from the mom and certain traits from the dad are evident and having decades to watch makes it easy to identify them. It's a comfort after your parents are gone to still have a connection to the family and all those days long ago when you ate and drank and housed together. Enjoy your siblings!