It was supposed to be a week of fishing for Bing's two childhood friends. One is a fellow from Sun City, Arizona and one is from Billings, Montana. They drive together each year from Billings, visit some relatives for a few days and cap off their trip each summer with a week stay with us. This year the weather did not cooperate at all and the fish were even less cooperative. So the main event was cancelled more often than not. But we still had great fun and the usual lots of laughs that prevail in their company. To the rescue - who knew - both of them seemed to be of the same obsessive compulsive jigsaw puzzlers as I am. Neither had done any puzzling for years but once they sat down at the table where I was finishing a 1000 piece jigsaw that Bernie and the kids had given me for Christmas - there was no turning back - we finished that one and then proceeded to start and finish another 1000 piece one. - It turned out that each of us probably had that same trait because we're all Aquarians born under the same astrological sign.
Our birthdays are February 1st, 3rd and 5th - wow, maybe there is something to that astrological stuff!