Hi - here's the article for our current edition of our lake newsletter:
Hi Lake Neighbors,
Whether you're here at the lake or you've escaped to warmer climes, it's an exciting time of year. We can look back at most of the winter and enjoy the longer hours of sunshine and the little hints that the big chill is leaving us and Mother Nature's version of Extreme Makeover, is just around the corner. We've had almost sixty inches of snow and days and days of below zero weather. We've skiied and sledded and snowmobiled and ice fished and marvelled at the beauty of the black and white landscape. The lake froze over on November 28th and the ice presently is about two feet thick. The ice fishing shanties have to be off the lake by the first Sunday after the 13th of March, so it's a pretty sure thing that Spring is coming and the two feet of ice will melt into the clear sparkling lake we love. The loons, (avian type,) are down in Florida but they'll time it just right to be back right after the lake liquifies. Last year the ice went out on April 5th, but we'd have to have some pretty warm weather and some rains to have it happen that early this year.
Our Lake Association hasn't rested on the laurels of having received that grant that studied the lake. What a wonderful group of officers and board members we have. They have now applied for another grant to help protect our lake from invasive species and the fish disease threats that have arrived in many of our state's lakes. It seems like, just like with human health, prevention is the best medicine - to assure a healthy lake in the future, we must be proactive and preventive.
Have a wonderful Spring and join us at the association meetings whenever you're able. It's fun to know the folks who are sharing this beautiful Crescent Lake.
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