Bing is at his last league golfing of the year and that tells me that the summer is on the wane. It got down to 34 degrees last night too and that's a real good sign that the summer days have to now be cherished and hugged and enjoyed to the max because there are few of them left in this year of 2008. Tomorrow is Bing's sixty sixth birthday and I am so happy to have known him for forty four of those years. A song we sing in church comes to mind when I think of the wonder of our love that has blossomed and grown over those years. I don't know the title of it but it says: "I have loved him with an everlasting love, I have loved him and he is mine. I have loved him with an everlasting love, I have loved him and he is mine." When I think back to my early days, I can hardly believe that such a handsome prince came into my life. I really thought I was called by God to be a nun so I entered the convent . But in the convent, I heard, as clear as a bell, nope, this is not for you. so out I slipped just as the Mother Superior instructed me. Tell none of the other candidates and leave while they were busy. But, holy cow, now what? In my naivete, I supposed that I must then be made for marriage. I acquired a holy card somehow that had a prayer on the back and it was a prayer for a good husband. I was a daily Mass goer in those years and I would always recite that prayer at Mass.. Our fire of '88 destroyed all our old artifacts so I don't know exactly what it said but it was asking God to send me a husband who had the traits of Jesus. For seven years I said that prayer and what a fine answer to a prayer - my Bing! Happy happy birthday, Bing and now I've been asking God for many many more decades of happy healthy years together.