Wow! It's the end of March already. It just flew by and it's a good thing all our months aren't twenty eight days. There wouldn't be enough days to do the proper March things. And what are they, you say? Well, we've basked in the sun, shoveled snow, tapped Maple trees, boiled the sap and made a few gallons of Maple syrup, planted some seeds and marvelled at their sprouting, sanded some chairs for repainting, walked on the lake as it's still solid ice, saluted St. Patty and tried some Lenten self sacrifice. March weather is baffling and unpredictable and the wind never seems to stop. I think it's God's way of blowing the winter debris aside. But if you look with the eye of a nature child, you can see tiny buds forming on the willows and feel a happy little hope in the heart for the inevitable and welcome transformation from the winter palette to the screamingly audacious greens of springtime .