We went to town today. There was a treat today. Our grandchildren's school presented their annual Christmas show. It's a school of 250 students and they all participate. That alone boggles the mind - to get 250 people between the ages of 5 and 14 - to sit in the right places, watch the director, pop up and down at the right time and actually pull off a story with a plot and humor and song. It was great. The program mentioned that 120 of the students auditioned for the speaking and solo singing roles. Guess what - our Kayla, now 12 and in 6th grade, had a solo part. She performed as a scat singer and dressed in an outfit that looked like a singer in the thirties or forties. She was poised and wonderful. She's at the mike in the picture and the dude to her right is Caesar Augustus. Jamie, now 9 and in the third grade, sang with gusto and seemed to really know all the words to at least seven or eight different songs. He's in the red tee shirt in the other picture. They're both in the children's choir so that has probably given them a little edge in the performing department. We went to the 12;30 show and they have another at 6:30. It's always standing room only with hordes of proud parents and grandparents. I really admire the children's ability to perform in front of people. I remember that throughout my schooling, I was always trying to fade out of any spotlight and bring no attention at all to me. It usually worked. Probably because with about fifty kids in every class, the teachers were real happy to have a few well behaved invisible students. --- Kudos to Kayla and Jamie's parents for raising them to be confident and enthusiastic participants of life and all its wondrous offerings.
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