Monday, April 29, 2013

Where in the World are Grandpa and Grandma - we made it!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a state rich rich rich in resources and beauty.  It's the leading lumber producer in the nation and its nickname is a popular category of trees, especially around Christmas time.  This state has the Pacific ocean bordering it and holds first place in the nation for growing apples, lentils, dry edible peas, hops, pears, raspberries, spearmint oil and sweet cherries.................Two very large, beautiful and rugged mountain peaks loom and one of these erupted in May, 1980...............The largest city in the state is known for manufacturing aircraft, missiles and ships and the population of this state really likes their coffee.  Some very special people live in Vancouver, a city of 164,000 people near the border with Oregon..........The capital city isn't even among the top ten largest cities of this state and its name sounds a lot like the worldwide sports events that take place every four years.................We're so happy to be here and in the pictures you'll see why!   ......P.S.  There's another very special stop just ahead!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for thegenerosity--T