Here's my latest addition to our lake newsletter. They call it, "Message from Eileen".
Hi Neighbors,
The Northwoods is in its glory - the summer days are here and the lake is receiving visitors. It took quite a while for the temperatures to get summer-like this year. But they did, as they always do. Moods lifted. The sunshine warms us and the breezes cool us. The air temps are in the eighties and the lake temps in the mid seventies. We lucky Crescent Lakers sit outside on our decks and docks. All around the lake there is a collage of summer delights - hammocks and swings, canoes and kayaks, tubes and skis and grills - and of course, that wonderful invention, the pontoon boat. The dark of night is filled with the smell of campfires and the canopy of stars seems close and wondrous. Be sure to stop your busy swirling lives long enough to bask in this short season and take in the beauty surrounding us.
The Dave and Joanne Hibbard family of Green Bass Road put on another fantastic fireworks display on the fourth. Our thanks to them, the association and all the donors who help purchase the amazing pyrotechnics. It is such a treat to be among the boats on the lake as the bombs burst in the air. It seems almost magical as suddenly and silently so many boats assemble and then disappear - no snarls or traffic jams or road rage involved.
The boat parade the next day was fun as well. It's a chance to share the joy of the holidays and keep our children and grandchildren knowing that our country's freedom is special and wonderful.
Enjoy the rest of the summer and join us at the July 19th meeting!
(P.S. The pictures are of our decorating the boat for the boat parade contest and three of the kids dressed for the parade. They look extra chesty because they had to have their life jackets on under the costumes.)
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