Love is beautiful and an infant is a perfect little personification of love. We were heartily welcomed here at Cori and Danny's and it was so good to see them and to see their pride and joy in their new little resident. Naturally he's a perfect little baby, symetrical and oh so bright.
They have a nice home in the middle of a cul de sac and the front and back yards are landscaped beautifully as are most of the residences here in this part of Oregon. The rose bushes in their front yard are over fifty years old. Little Benjamin is most interested in eating but he snuggles so nicely in our arms in between feedings and Dan and Cori have worked out quite nice chore sharing routines. Dan took the whole week off so it's great getting caught up on all their happenings. Benjamin will be christened Sunday at the ten o'clock service so we'll be attending and then heading back home but via a different route so we can take a look at son, Tony's, newly purchased land near Klamath Falls. It's Tony's birthday today - happy birthday, from Dad and me. Holding little Benjamin brings back the loving days when each of our sons were infants. Those are precious memories and we are privileged to be able to make some new ones with Ben-Ben...........The pictures show the three generations of Ronyak men and the happy family.
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